Sunday, May 18, 2008

The VERY last rambling . . .a personal message to all!

Dear Information Literacy Colleagues,
On October 3, 2007 the executive council of the American Federation of Teachers proudly endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president, citing her proven albilities to advance our nation's key priorities, and her bold plans for a stronger America. Now Hillary needs our help! Millions of people in Florida and Michigan went to the polls to make their voices heard in the Democratic Presidential primary. They deserve to have their votes counted! The DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee is meeting on May 31 to make a decision about Florida and Michigan. If you are interested in sending a message to the DNC telling them to count the votes and seat Florida and Michigan's delegates email Hillary at :
info@hillaryclinton. com

Also be sure to check out: www.hillaryclinton. com If for no other reason than to see how far along presidential candidates have come in terms of taking their campaign to the world of cyberspace! Very cool!


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